Beautiful pics of Jennifer Garner feet legs

Jennifer Garner was born on April 17, 1972, from Houston, Texas but was born within Charleston, West Virginia. William John Garner is her father. He was a chemical engineers for Union Carbide. Patricia Ann was a teacher at the local college. In the hopes of following the footsteps of her father her graduation was a degree in chemical engineering. In order to follow her dream of becoming an actress, she moved to New York to try her luck in the movies. The restaurant she worked in was while appearing in Broadway productions. Her former husband Scott Foley met her on the television show "Felicity," where she appeared as a character. Garner received her first break in the action thriller "Alias." She had her first leading role came in the acclaimed romantic comedy "13 Going to thirty." Garner played a teen trapped in the 30-year old body of a. Garner picked Gary Winick (director) to create the film. Together, they looked for new opportunities until Winick's death in 2011. Garner was appointed ambassador for Save the Children U.S.A. in the year 2009. The role includes promotion of national literacy and nutrition, as well as early education, and many different aspects. Garner is a board member as the group's president since 2014, is an advocate for the cause of early education. She has been a spokesperson of the Early Steps to School Success program, which teaches parents on the best ways to help their children to learn.

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